event planner Sarah Downing

Halee Grimsdale



"Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are." - Theodore Roosevelt

A green stamp that says team member since 2023

Halee is our resident adventurer who is diving into the events industry head first, with gusto! Halee got her first taste of events working with a restaurant group in Vancouver and when she moved back to Calgary, she secured a position as an internal planner and she’s never looked back! She loves the fast-paced, high-energy atmosphere of events. And [you heard it here first] she’s fallen in love with the chaos of creativity! 

Halee has completed her Bachelor of Commerce with a major in International Business and a Masters in International Business, which is suitable considering she spent a semester in University living on a ship and traveling the world! She is a highly organized, detail-oriented, creative thinker, who is always there to support her team and make informed decisions on the fly.

As an Experience Coordinator, Halee has been involved in many projects with our team, including many multi-day, multi-location events. She has worked on the Keyera Corp 25th Anniversary Celebration, Canada's Walk of Fame, International Indigenous Tourism Conference, the Garden Party, and most recently, the CPKC Final Spike Steam Tour.

Outside of events, Halee can be found travelling and spending time in the sun or enjoying a good ol’ fashion games night with friends and family!

During her time with "e", Halee has traveled to a number of different locations, including


  • Banff, AB
  • Calgary, AB
  • Drayton Valley, AB
  • Edmonton, AB
  • Montreal, QC
  • Moosejaw, SK
  • Ottawa, ON
  • Toronto, ON
  • Vancouver, BC
  • Victoria, BC
  • Winnipeg, MB


  • Davenport
  • Franklin Park
  • Kansas City
  • Laredo 
  • Minot
  • Monterey
  • Saint Paul
  • Shreveport
  • Texas

Fun Facts About Halee

Things That Matter

Spending time with friends and family

Favourite Event

Halee's favourite event LIMITLESS

Favourite Location

Halee's favourite event location is Vancouver

Did You Know?

Halee spent a semester in University living on a ship and traveling the world.

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