Through the Years . . . How a Single Word Can Make a Huge Difference
At the end of 2017 a small group of my friends pushed me to join them in naming a word of the year. Surprisingly, this was one of the most difficult things I have ever done – and many would say, I’ve done many things over the years.
I was never one to have New Year’s resolutions, nor was I really ever good at writing down goals, so I truly found this quite intimidating. How could I choose one word that I truly wanted to define me for an entire year? What word did I want to personify? That is a lot of pressure for one word.
And then a lot of pressure for me to “be.”
I felt this overwhelming vulnerability when it came time to share this word. I then pulled out my inner Brené Brown, looked vulnerability in the face and took a stab at it.
BOLD was the word of that year and in 2018, I needed that.
I must admit, as soon as I stated that word I felt it. I lived it. I breathed it and if I ever wavered or got nervous before a client call, all I had to do was look at the handwritten note on my desk and remember to be bold.
And surprisingly, it worked!
At the end of 2018 it was fun to look back and reflect on the success that BOLDNESS brought to me, and to the company – we had the best year financially since 2007 (during the oil boom), I had a personal best as an event producer and we had incredible events across North America.
In 2019, my word was JOY and I lived that every day. I made it a priority to have fun at everything I did. Clients brought me joy, our team was on fire and brought me a lot of joy and I took advantage of no travel restrictions and found joy on and off of planes, meeting new people and visiting friends and family.
In 2020, luckily I had the foresight (or blind luck) to choose LOVE as my word. I didn’t know it at the time, but love quickly became a word that was needed desperately in 2020 when COVID hit. Love for my family and friends, love for my team as we together navigated our way through a very challenging year and self-love as I struggled as a leader in this difficult time. Love (together with compassion) went hand in hand and got me through.
And on a really personal note, perhaps I should have written this word down years ago. Maybe I wouldn’t have been single for so long. But somehow I also found true love amidst the chaos of COVID.
In 2021, ENERGY was my word. By the end of 2020, I felt I was losing energy. I had lots of love, but was drained of energy so I thought if I deemed it as my word in 2021, I could get it back. With this word, I could give more energy to our team, who needed it more than ever after 2020.
I must say, I did try. I can’t say I succeeded all that well. Heading into 2021 I was optimistic in thinking that energy would come naturally and we would use that energy to spring back to the “good ol’ days.”
I used as much energy as I could to get us through. We had some incredible wins, we broke ground with merging technologies, we played in the broadcast domain and met some great milestone achievements. But it was really hard. My energy definitely waned as the year came to an end.
But what if energy hadn’t been my word? If I had even less energy, I’m not sure I would have made it.
So once again, I am grateful for that one word that did get me through the year.
This year, in 2022, my word came very quickly to me. There was no deliberating. I woke up one morning and had it.
Determined to take back control of our outcome for the year. There are so many things we learned over the past two years that we truly can’t control. But what that doesn’t mean is that we should sit back, hold our hands up in the air and continue to blame COVID for our results. Not anymore. At least I don’t want to. I believe that we can take some control back and I am determined to do so.
I am determined to:
Lead better
Love harder
Be bolder
Laugh more and live with joy
Put my energy to good use
Control the outcomes
And have a great year!
What’s your word this year?