Dear 20 Years,
It is nice to meet you.
So far in my life, you have eluded me. Up until today I have never done anything for 20 years straight.
The most I ever lived in one place was 18.5 years. (Thanks mom and dad!)
The most I ever worked in any “real job” was two years.
The longest relationship I have ever been in is . . . well, let’s just say 20 Years you have eluded me.
And certainly, when I was writing a blog last year at this time amidst a global pandemic that nearly shut down our whole industry, I thought you would elude me yet again.
But here we are standing side by side and it is really nice to finally meet you.
You have brought me so many things for which I am eternally grateful. Extraordinary people and partnerships, creativity, imagination, resourcefulness and incredible learnings. You have also brought me tears, laughter, joy and pride.
Thank you 20 Years.
You’ve also taught me a thing or two about events. And one thing in particular I’d like to share with you today.
There is a moment during an event, which I refer to as the “fireworks moment”. It is that one moment that turns an event into magic [ you’ll often hear us refer to this as the “whizbang moment” ].
Sometimes it is literally the fireworks bringing an event to its climactic ending, or the moment a stuntman jumps out of a helicopter to start the show.
Or, it is the choreographed procession of 50 smiling Special Olympics athletes that brings the audience to its feet. It is the moment the scrim lights up to reveal the band members one by one all carefully positioned in a 100 foot wide by 36 foot tall scaffold structure. It is the moment the spoken word artist poignantly introduces business leaders and philanthropists to the stage just before the Blues Brothers perform. It is that moment when the CEO of a company walks through a curtain of fog into a crowd of 4,500 people to make a big announcement. It is the moment at an intimate event, taking place under the stars, when Sarah McLachlan plays that first note on the grand piano and the audience is in awe.
It is the moment that says it all and in the lead-up to this moment, I always find myself seeking out my fellow “e” team members.
You see, 20 Years, I never like standing alone in these moments. Why would I?
I want to be standing beside the co-creators of the magic to soak it all in. Sometimes we are holding hands in anticipation; praying it all goes well. Other times we are just standing side by side, breathless, waiting for the energy of the moment to fill our lungs.
Other times we are leaning up against each other, feeling the support of each other, getting ready for that “yes, we did it” hug. Often this comes with a sigh combined of relief and pure joy, and it is often accompanied by tears.
20 Years, I have enjoyed countless moments like these. And while I do remember these moments, what I remember more is who I was standing with at the back of the room. That is the real magic that I wanted to share with you.
So today, 20 Years, my “fireworks moment” is going to be standing shoulder to shoulder with my entire team sharing some bubbles reminiscing on the past while looking forward to a bright future in our very own Zoom Room . . . breathless with some tears welling up, but with the energy of you behind us propelling us forward saying out loud together . . . “WE DID IT!”
Thank you 20 Years and everyone who’s been a part of the “e” team along the way. Nothing would have been possible without each and every one of you.
Jocelyn xoxoxox